
Social paradigm shift
Social paradigm shift

social paradigm shift social paradigm shift

That plan or pattern of exercising or dieting can be called a Paradigm. For instance, if a person wants to lose a few kilos and get into shape, then that person will follow a diet and exercise plan. In layman’s words paradigm is a model or a pattern which is often followed to arrive at a conclusion or to get the results.

social paradigm shift

When we come across the word ‘Paradigm Shift’, it seems more like jargon having scientific meaning and implications but it is really simple. This led to the discovery of the word paradigm shift which we commonly use nowadays. He found a common structure or pattern among all those patterns which led to the discovery and evolution of science. He came across multiple case studies and the journey of the work of prominent scientists and their discoveries. These particular years brought him close to the history and the evolution of science. During his later years, he taught science to humanities students as a part of the General Education in Science curriculum. A PhD in Physics, Kuhn studied at Harvard University and his work revolved around Quantum Physics. He coined the word ‘Paradigm Shift’, which is commonly used in his famous book named ‘The Structure of Scientific Revolutions published in 1962. There are many more shifts occurring from COVID-19 – from a greater appreciation for nature, to more kindness and compassion, a clearer sense of how we spend our time, to careers and businesses.Thomas Kuhn was an American philosopher of science who changed how we look at the world and the happenings around us. Women are the majority force in the healthcare battalions keeping us and our loved ones alive and giving comfort to those who lose their battles in our absence. Women are homeschooling their kids even while they work from home, or try to replace a job lost to the economic shutdown. The creator of the COVID-19 tracker that keeps t he world abreast of its impact is a woman, Lauren Gardner, co-director of Hopkins’s Center for Civil and Systems Engineering, and all t heir divisions involved in this vital resource are led by women: epidemiologist Jennifer Nuzzo, senior data scientist Tamara Goyea, and Bet h Bauer, executive director of the Jo hns Hopkins Centers for Civic Impact. The world leaders who have been most effective have either been women, suc h as the Prime Minister of New Zealand, or are men taking a page from this leadership model, suc h as New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. The leadership and management that are proving most effective in this crisis – collaboration, resourcefulness, communication, listening, building coalitions of diverse points of view and expertise, transparency – has historically been associated with how women lead.

social paradigm shift

Women’s rights were being chipped away at one-by-one by legislation and oppressive cultural mores were returning. Leadership and management: The way women lead was (still) being undervalued and dismissed as “too soft” or second-rate in many powerful circles. Everyone is struggling in their own way through this pandemic and it’s humanizing, equalizing.ĥ. Authenticity: With literally everyone working from home and only “seeing” each other on Zoom or Skype, how we look, what we wear, and the usual vanity concerns are out the window. We miss seeing people in person, and we will again soon enough, but we are learning to create connection in other meaningful ways.Ĥ. “Essential”: Where we once dismissed people who bag our groceries, or drive our kids’ school buses, for example, now we realize they are “essential workers.” Where once we “needed” to go out to dinner, to meet with a client or prospect, now we realize we can accomplish what we need to virtually. GettyĪs countries share ventilators and personal protective equipment (PPE) to save lives today, we see Fuller’s vision in real time.ģ. The abstract patterns and colors of a geodesic dome under a blue sky with a slight puff of cloud.

Social paradigm shift